Well, they say time flies when you are having fun!
As you will notice my last social media post goes back to one Sunday (quite some time ago now), when I decided to have a Sunday catch up session. To enjoy that Sunday catch up session I took to my bed and created a somewhat bizarre (perhaps I should say “not so good for the back”) workstation. The reason behind this is that I have a magnificent view – and come to think of it, it could well be the place where I work best.
I had a productive day and found myself up to date, and then work got busier and it was tools down on my own social media, head up, and bottom on seat and let’s get some results happening for my wonderful clients. Now, what I haven’t mentioned is that I did squeeze in a holiday, then nursing duties called while my little boy had his first op, then another quick surprise getaway for my youngest and then sadly an interstate trip to celebrate the life of a very special Uncle – but the best part of all (and because of the way I do business) is I don’t think my clients noticed Shhh.
So enough about me and now for the moral of this post!
Social Media once you start don’t stop – don’t even think about taking a break or slowing it down a bit. I think the one main objective in social media is what I will call the two C’s – Consistent and Constant. Once you know where you want to head with your social media content keep at it. Being found and growing a business using social media doesn’t happen overnight, but it is like the pamphlet drop of previous times that gets pulled out of the cupboard every now and then (or at my house off the fridge magnet). It is that reminder popping up all the time into someone’s memory and when you are needed your name will come to mind.
So now for my return to Social Media and what I have found – that the constant incoming stream of recommendations or enquiries has now ceased! I am very fortunate to have long term clients but again you want to be in a persons thought process when they need a particular job done. More importantly you don’t want to be building a solid following only to have your followers become bored and disinterested, which then could lead to a press of the dreaded unfollow button. What message does that perceive to a potential new client? Again, If someone searches through your social media platforms and there is no activity, what would that be perceived as to a potential new client? In today’s social media frenzy if your social media has ceased then your business most likely has too.
Before you start your online marketing presence plan it well. Organise yourself! Remember the importance of social media!
So, that is it from me, and this is the start of me moving towards constant, consistent, Social Media Marketing. See you all again soon, in of course, the not too distant future.